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Russie! Memory, deception, imaginary

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Not only painting or sculpture, or posters, or flags, but also clips
and music, 15 multimedia installations, in some cases interactive.

The exhibition features a selection of important works from two main
Italian collections of Russian art, the Morgante and the Sandretti
Colletion, offering an overall look on Twentieth century Russian art:
from the early century Russian and Soviet avant-garde figurative art to
Social Realism of the 1930s to 1950s, and up to the Underground Art and
some works from the 1990s by artists who tackled in a different but
coherent way the three main themes of the show: the memory of the
avant-garde, the mystification of Social Realism and the imagination of
unofficial painting.



Address: Ca’ Foscari Esposizioni - Dorsoduro 3246 - Venezia
Opening hours: everyday , except Tuesday, from 10am to 6pm
Ticket: full price € 7; reduced price € 5 (young visitors under 18; Senior visitors over 60 years; Visitors with agreement of Palazzo Grassi, Guggenheim Collection, Fondazione Cini, Fondazione Querini Stampalia; members of Touring Club; members and employees of Gruppo Cariparma e FriulAdria – Crédit Agricole; reduced price € 3 (students and teachers of Italian Universities, school groups, groups (min. 10 people); residents in Venice, Enel employees with an accompanying person; free entrance (teachers, students and staff of Ca’ Foscari Universityaccompagnatore) € 3; gratuito per docenti,
studenti e personale di Ca’ Foscari).
Tel: 041 2346234
Web Site:


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