Acqua Alta Library
If you are a books lover then in Venice there is a place taylored for you, the Libreria Acqua Alta. It is one of the most original library in the world where all the books are piled up in shelves, bath tubs and gondolas! It is a literary universe at your fingertips where you can range to every genres, discovering something magic hidden under thousands of ancient or new books coming from all over the world. The books are for sale but also used as furniture, just like the staircase made by old encyclopaedias that overlooks the canal! The books are news or used, the first room it’ s about themes as art, culture and Venice history, the second one is full of bestsellers and comics. There are 4 cats that scamper and sleep between the printed paper. Don’t miss the opportunity to admire this wonder during your Venetian stay! It is really close to campo Santa Maria Formosa, behind San Marco. It is open every day from 9am to 8pm.